Synopsis: His Holiness the Dalai Lama is an internationally recognized figure that is respected and venerated by most folks in the world?but not all. The Lama is currently visiting Taiwanese typhoon victims, which is seriously pissing off China. Who is this guy, what is the deal with this place called Tibet, and why do the Chinese hate him so damn much? The Plaid Avenger tackles the backstory to these sticky Asian issues, and outlines the current Chinese challenges of Tibet, Taiwan, and the Lama too.
Synopsis: Holy Suzuki! Big change is underway in the staunchly stoic country of Japan! After over fifty years of continuous hold on the Diet (the Congress of Japan) and the Prime Minister position, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) of Japan is getting ready to get trashed in today?s election?.thus paving the way for the major opposition party of Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) to take power. This is the first time since World War 2 that a new political voice will be expressed in the home state of Godzilla. This plaidcast covers who these parties are, why the LDP is losing power, and how this political change in the Pokemon state will be affecting its relationship with the US, Asia, and the world.
Synopsis: North Korea launched a missile/rocket/space satellite on Sunday April 5, 2009, much to the chagrin and consternation of most of the ‘Western’ world. However, China and Russia are unconvinced of the launch’s motivations, and are therefore stalling any UN condemnation of the act. The Plaid Avenger explains the basis for this difference in world opinion, its historic precedent, and the reasons behind why impoverished North Korea would even attempt these ‘satellite’ shenanigans. Even Kim Jong-Il should check this one out!
North Korea’s Rocket Launch Spurs Broad Condemnation
North Korea threatens “strong steps” if U.N. acts
Japan Acknowledges UN Security Council Split on N. Korea Sanctions
The G-20 met this week, in what the Plaid Avenger predicts will be looked back upon as a hugely historic event. This meeting is the first time a truly representative group of the biggest movers and shakers has gotten together to truly try and solve some global problems. Unlike the UN, this tight 20-entity group has the capacity to actually get stuff done without the bloated bureaucracy bogging it down. It represents big changes in the global outlook of how to solve global problems…perhaps for the first time in history. The G-20 is now the premier institutions for problem solving on the global scale. How exciting!
The G-20: saying farewell to the ‘blue-eyed blond men’?
Synopsis: His Holiness the Dalai Lama is an internationally recognized figure that is respected and venerated by most folks in the world…but not all. Who is this guy, what is the deal with this place called Tibet, and why do the Chinese hate him so damn much? The Plaid Avenger tries to tackle these sticky Tibetan issues, and relates them to current events as the Lama’s 50th anniversary of fleeing from China goes down.
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