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International Interviews

International Interviews

Mustafa (Egypt)


Country: Egypt

City: Cairo

Occupation: mechanical engineering student

Keywords: weather, transportation, busses, airports, local food, politics, religion, markets, population, history, similarities between our countries, false believes about our countries

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Sanaz (Iran)


Country: Iran

City: Esfahan

Keywords: clothing, fashion, leisure activities, different social norms, native music, popular sports

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MariCarmen (Spain)


Country: Spain

City: Melilla

Occupation: Spanish Professor

Keywords: jobs, America vs. Spain, misconceptions, ways of life, difficulty in getting jobs, culture differences

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Hussain (Kuwait)


Country: Kuwait

City: Kuwait City

Keywords: oil, sports, weather, people, Virginia Tech

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Luca (Italy)


Country: Italy

City: Naples

Occupation: Senior Research Associate in Geology at Virginia Tech

Keywords: climate, foreign views, domestic views, education, politics, food, history, tourism, complex country, middle class

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About International Interviews

The Plaid Avenger chats with peeps from all over the planet in an effort to learn more about the culture, current events, modern life, and misconceptions about their societies from actual folks who are from there! There are no politicians, no pundits, and no's just real people, with real knowledge, talking about the real world.

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