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International Interviews

International Interviews

Mohamed (Tanzania)


Country: Tanzania

City: Dar Es Salaam

Occupation: GIS Student

Keywords: Developing, Hili languages, East coast, Kilimanjaro, Lake Victoria, wild animals, US democracy, US Culture, Hollywood, attitude, music, food, conflict

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Mirab (Ghana)


Country: Ghana

City: Accra

Keywords: Ghanaian food, fufu, political parties, affirmative action, Ghana Music Awards, famine, overseas aid, houses

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Youngrim (South Korea)


Country: South Korea

City: Cheonan


Keywords: Climate/weather, food, sports, games, movies, literature, music, leisure, transportation, education

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Hongzoa (China)

Hongzoa (David)

Country: China

City: Beijing

Keywords: weather-, family, engineering, architecture, exchange, Chinese school system, stereotypes, olympics, diverse Culture, Daiyu Islands, music, transportation, freedom of speech

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Dr. Soman (India)

Dr. Soman

Country: India

City: Mumbai

Occupation: Electrical Engineering Professor

Keywords: city organization, growing up, school system, sports, expensive textbooks, religious diversity, Indian POV of US, weather

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About International Interviews

The Plaid Avenger chats with peeps from all over the planet in an effort to learn more about the culture, current events, modern life, and misconceptions about their societies from actual folks who are from there! There are no politicians, no pundits, and no's just real people, with real knowledge, talking about the real world.

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