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International Interviews

International Interviews

Vireshwar (India)


Country: India

City: Muzaffarpur

Keywords: climate, weather, vegetation, politics food, cuisine health, medicine, movies, music, transportation

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Matt (Zimbabwe)


Country: Zimbabwe

City: Harare

Keywords: minority, rugby, architecture, British, culture, sarcasm, boerewors, Mugabe, skyscrapers

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Onur (Turkey)


Country: Turkey

City: Adana

Occupation: Business Information Technology Professor at Virginia Tech

Keywords: Middle East Technical University, Muslim, Kurdish, PKK terrorist group, Black Sea, kebab, giro, Ottoman Empire

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Ella (New Zealand)


Country: New Zealand

City: Auckland

Keywords: food, alcohol, geography, weather, culture, night life, jobs, island culture, money, rugby, pride, football

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Mostafa (Egypt) and Eduardo (Colombia)


Country: Egypt

City: Cairo



Country: Colombia

City: Montería

Keywords: weather, transportation, local food, politics, religion, markets, population, history, similarities

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About International Interviews

The Plaid Avenger chats with peeps from all over the planet in an effort to learn more about the culture, current events, modern life, and misconceptions about their societies from actual folks who are from there! There are no politicians, no pundits, and no's just real people, with real knowledge, talking about the real world.

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