Synopsis: Holy Hookah! Tunisians have taken to the streets and overthrown their government and driven the President out of the country! As tumultuous as this is for Tunisia, the ramifications of this event will actually reverberate with WAY more impact into other Arab states that are in a similar scandalous predicament: too much political/economic power concentration into too few hands, while the Arab masses become more disenfranchised and desperate…especially in Egypt and Algeria. The Avenger also explains who is happy about this Arab anger, who is not, and what we are likely to see happen soon…
Keywords: Tunisia, Egypt. Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Arab, Persian, Islam, monarchy, theocracy, dictatorship, Hosni Mubarak, King Abdullah, Osama Bin Laden
Holy hookah my friends! A $60 billion arms deal is in the works between the US and Saudi Arabia, the largest such deal in all of US history….and an arms deal that the Avenger believes is the official kick-off for a full-scale arms race across the entire Middle East region. How does the US stand to gain significantly from this deal? More importantly, how will the deal affect the
current power struggle within the region, and why is it happening at all? The Avenger points out the cultural frictions and fallacies behind this volatile mix of Arab arms and angst!
Synopsis: A US House subcommittee narrowly passed a resolution (23 yay to 22 nay) to recognize something called the Armenian Genocide of 1915. This has infuriated Turkey, a strong US and NATO ally, and caused them to recall their ambassador. Say what? Why would a 95 year old historic event still cause such Turkish tantrums in today’s world…and why the hell would the US Congress be voting on it anyway? The Avenger details the event itself, the Turkish vs Armenian angles on it, and how this vote is impacting current (and even future) events between the Turks and the Americans.
Synopsis: An uncovered military coup plot nicknamed ?Operation Sledgehammer? has seriously rattled the military and political foundation of Turkey. This military maneuver has its roots in the formation of the modern state of Turkey itself, and has serious repercussions for the the future direction of the Turks? secular democracy. The Avenger does his best to explain the background leading up to this event, and discusses why some elements of the powerful Turkish military would be greatly concerned about the rise of the Islamist-base AK Party…which is the most popular political party in the country right now. Let?s talk Turkey!
Synopsis: What the hell are the Iranians spouting about with all this ‘20% uranium enrichment’ business on their 31st birthday? Why 20%? Why does 20% it so infuriate many other countries on the planet, many of whom are now aligning to slam Iran with punishing economic sanctions? The Avenger explains what all the fuss is about with the magic number 20, why Iran may want a nuclear weapon, and the players who are adamant that Iran should never get a nuclear weapon.
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