Synopsis: The Avenger has his plaid panties in a bunch about a serious global shift that started during the big G-20 in Pittsburgh last week: a move to more representative economic and political power on the world stage. Listen as the plaid one explains the background of the G-20 evolution, and the impacts of the most recent G-20 party….specifically for the BRIC countries….as they redistribute voting power in global institutions like the IMF and World Bank. Gee golly, its G-20 genius!
Synopsis: Listen as the Plaid Avenger spouts prophetically about nuclear proliferation on the heels of a historic meeting of the UN Permanent Security Council chaired by US President Barack Obama. Details include the structure of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), its weaknesses and issues in today’s world, and how Obama and the funky P5+1 bunch hope to strengthen it for the future…specifically the future of dealing with Iran and its nuclear ambitions. NPT Party On!
Synopsis: Last week US President Barack Obama canceled plans for setting up the controversial missile defense shield in Eastern Europe…specifically in Poland and the Czech Republic. This move not only significantly alters US relations with Russia, but has caused an outpouring of anger from pro-shield protagonists. Watch the Plaid Avenger rant and rage about what the ‘supposed’ shield is, and why its shelving has very little consequence for the US, Eastern Europe, or even Iran.
Synopsis: The President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has been an exceptionally busy boy the last couple of weeks, having been on a world tour cutting energy deals, buying weaponry, touting socialism, and in general pissing off the US. How is it that this dude from a small South American country has become a serious political force on the world stage? The Avenger explores some of the reasons for Hugo’s rise to international power, and its repercussions to the US, Latin America, and the world….possibly for decades to come.
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Keywords: Hugo Chavez, Venezuela, socialism, oil, natural gas, Orinoco Belt, Russia, weapons, Colombia, Brazil, US, Latin America
Synopsis: As Iran continues to develop its nuclear energy industry, the US and Team West as a whole are increasingly worried that the Iranians are actually wanting to develop a nuclear weapon. The P5 +1 (5 members of the UN Permanent Security Council + Germany) are debating about increasing sanctions and/or incentives on Iran in order to reel in their nuclear ambition. Whether any of the P5 + 1 actions will actually work is anybody’s guess, but the Plaid Avenger wants you to be aware that the whole situation marks a new era in assertive foreign policy for two of the EU’s super-powers: Germany & France. Merkel & Sarkozy: a new axis of ass-kicking foreign policy?
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