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Rappers Revolt for Reform in Senegal

All hell is breaking loose in the small west African state of Senegal, and the revolt is led by a revolutionary rebellious posse of rappers! What is the fuss about? Unfortunately, the public-dissent-turned-violent-street protests are over an all-too-common issue in Africa: political corruption. The current 90-year old Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade has gone down the path of so many other African leaders before him: changing laws and diminishing democracy in a desperate bid to cling to power at all costs after his mediocre 12 years in office…now running for an unprecedented third term, in election being held this week.  This story is fascinating in its implications for maturing democracies in Africa, as well as the true power that music and rap offer to oppressed peoples everywhere. Good stuff!

Keywords: Senegal, Dakar, Africa, Abdoulaye Wade, rappers, rap, Y'en a Marre, Enough is Enough, democracy, corruption

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Syrian Situation Squeezing Iran

As the situation continues to spiral into bloody chaos in Syria, the regime of Bashar al-Assad is not the only party that is going to lose big when the state fully collapses into civil war: believe it or not, it’s Iran that stands to be the Biggest Loser, and I ain’t talkin’ about shedding pounds on network TV my friends! In this plaid-cast, the Professor points out multiple ways that Iran is currently getting squeezed by the international community, and how the loss of Syria, its only major ally in the region, is going to be a devastating blow to their power, influence, and status in the Middle East and possibly the wider world.

Keywords: Syria, Iran, Homs, Arab, Persian, Hormuz, nuclear weapon, Hezbollah, embargo, civil war

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Big Chill Sets in on Putin’s Russia

Brrrrrr…it’s getting cold out there! And for Russians, I’m not just talking about the weather!  While there has been a significant cold-snap-smack-down on western Russia and Eastern Europe, this Professor rant deals more with the political, economic, and social chill that has set in on Vladimir Putin’s Russia. The western news media portray the Russian public protest against the government and upcoming elections as a simplistic anti-Putin/pro-democracy thing…but there is much more going on behind the scenes in Russia that is causing this anti-establishment chill to set in. Included in this discussion are corruption, wealth disparity, a fleeing middle class, mafia, and an un-diversified economy that together are creating a sense of hopelessness and political despondency amongst some Russian peoples. And Putin is now paying attention to the change in the Russian political climate!

Related Stories:
The Russians are leaving … Russia
In Area Embodying Putin Base, Dispirited City Voices Tepid Support
Faces of protest are as varied as Russia itself
Vladimir Putin promises the Russian people greater political power

Keywords: Russia, elections, United Russia, protests, emigration, Russian economy, mafia, corruption, Russian natural resources, oligarchs, wealth disparity, brain drain

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In Other News…Filipino Forces Fry Terrorists

Although not widely reported or known about, the awesome archipelago known as the Philippines has been battling Islamic extremists and terrorists on their southern flank for a decade, and has been covertly assisted in this mission by their staunch ally the US. This week, a strike against camps in the remote island of Jolo resulted in the deaths of some top dudes from Abu Sayyef and Jemaah Islamiyah, and possibly involved the use of drones. Dig the Professor rant about the dudes and drones and the Philippines right here!

Related Stories:
Russia and China Block U.N. Action on Syrian Crisis
U.N. resolution fails as violence in Syria worsens

Keywords: Philippines, archipelago, Ring of Fire, earthquake, Jolo, US, drone, Jemaah Islamiyah, Abu Sayyef, Islamic extremists, Bali, Indonesia, CIA

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Russia Shields Syria…sez Nyet! to UN

The violence continues to escalate in Syria, where the entrenched regime of Bashar al-Assad continues a bloody repression of protestors who are trying to bring the ‘Arab Spring’ revolution to their country. In the latest news, Russia has now publicly stated that there is no way in hell they will allow any UN-sponsored and NATO-led invasion of Syria—the likes of which toppled Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi last year. Say what? Why would Russia openly support a civilian-slaughtering regime? The Professor talks about some of the reasons for this Russian promise of a veto at the UN, and also why the Syrian regime has lasted longer than other Arab dictatorships which have bitten the dust much quicker.

Keywords: Syria, regime, Russia, veto, UN, Security Council, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Arab Spring, weapons, revolution

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Issue 2: Battle For Burma

Well, the battle for the heart and soul of this country is on, but no one outside Burma seems to be able to do a damn thing about it! Why not?

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