Synopsis: For the second installment of this three-part series on the calamity and chaos that is the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area, the Plaid Avenger talks about the peoples and parties that inhabit this lethal stretch of planet earth. We mostly hear about the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Afghans, and Pakistanis, and the Avenger will sort out who these peoples are…or aren’t! However, nations and political parties are made up of peoples, which is the Plaid Avenger’s main focus here. Ethnic groups like the Balochis, the Uzbeks, the Tajiks, and the Uyghurs are located in this area, and all have different goals which motivate their behavior. However, it is the powerful Pashtun ethnic group that has been swelling the ranks of the terrorist groups of this region….let’s figure out why!
Synopsis: For the second installment of this three-part series on the calamity and chaos that is the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area, the Plaid Avenger talks about the peoples and parties that inhabit this lethal stretch of planet earth. We mostly hear about the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Afghans, and Pakistanis, and the Avenger will sort out who these peoples are…or aren’t! However, nations and political parties are made up of peoples, which is the Plaid Avenger’s main focus here. Ethnic groups like the Balochis, the Uzbeks, the Tajiks, and the Uyghurs are located in this area, and all have different goals which motivate their behavior. However, it is the powerful Pashtun ethnic group that has been swelling the ranks of the terrorist groups of this region….let’s figure out why!
Synopsis: For the first installment of this three-part series on the calamity and chaos that is the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area, the Plaid Avenger talks about some geographic places names that define this most dangerous zone on planet earth. Politics of the Great Game,the creation of the Durand Line, and the subdivision of British India all played a part in the how we have such named areas as Pakistan, Afghanistan, the FATA and the NWFP in today’s world…and more importantly, how this history explains the chronic conflict which still plagues these areas right on up to today, and for the foreseeable future!
Synopsis: For the first installment of this three-part series on the calamity and chaos that is the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area, the Plaid Avenger talks about some geographic places names that define this most dangerous zone on planet earth. Politics of the Great Game,the creation of the Durand Line, and the subdivision of British India all played a part in the how we have such named areas as Pakistan, Afghanistan, the FATA and the NWFP in today’s world…and more importantly, how this history explains the chronic conflict which still plagues these areas right on up to today, and for the foreseeable future!
Synopsis: Poor Pakistan has been getting pile-drived and pummeled with painful plague after plague?.and it has culminated in a stand-off with their American allies! Say what? Yes, Pakistan has for years now been on the brink of total chaos and collapse, and this semester has increased the hurt: first, a flood of biblical proportions inundated the state, which in turn caused the increase of terrorist Taliban activity, which in turn resulted in increased cross-border attacks into Pakistan from US/NATO troops chasing down Taliban elements?.and unfortunately several Pakistani soldiers were killed in those American-led raids. Crap. That caused the Pakis to become so pissed that they shut down the NATO supply lines through their territory, increasing the tension between all parties even more!
But perhaps we should back up this supply line and cover some background of this entire area to better understand this complex situation unfolding in Pakistan right now. Here is a three-part plaidcast on the whole messy back-story of the Af-Pak border area, and at the end of those 3 we will revisit the current Paki status, which is disintegrating rapidly?just as their relationship with the US and ?the West? is reaching an all-time low.
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