Imporved Israeli/Turkish Ties = So Long, Syria?
The Prime Minister of Israel just apologized to the Prime Minister of Turkey? What’s that all about? The apology issued by PM Benjamin Netanyahu if Israel to PM Recep Erdoğan of Turkey was over the death of 9 Turkish citizens in the 2010 Gaza Flotilla Raid. But this apology has wider repercussions than just political niceties….the re-established ties between Israel and Turkey may pave the way for these two old allies to move against Syria, in conjunction with the USA. Watch the Professor rage about all this, and more!
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A Persian in Arab Lands: Game-Changer…or just a Game?
Holy diplomatic thaw! For the first time since the 1979 Iranian Revolution, an Iranian head of state (currently President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) is visiting Egypt; a core of Arab culture and power. And this comes on the heels of the Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi visiting Iran a few months back…the first time that an Egyptian head of state has been to Iran since 1979 as well! Are we seeing the beginnings of an Islamic/theocratic alliance between these states, and thus Iran’s increasing influence spreading to the religiously conservative Muslim Brotherhood? Will Egypt go the way of theocratic Iran? Doubtful. Learn what the Professor makes of this most memorable Mahmoud/Morsi meeting in this podcast! Shoes will be thrown!
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Keywords: Iran, Egypt, Persian, Arab, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, theocracy, democracy, NAM, Non-Aligned Movement, OIC, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, lame-duck, space program, monkey, shoe
The GCC? It’s the Persian Gulf Place to Be!
Hilary Clinton just met with the GCC, and the US is selling hell-tons of weapons to the GCC, and the GCC is developing a joint missile defense shield…and…and…and…and who the hell is the GCC? It’s the Gulf Cooperation Council, and it is increasingly the most important player to consider for the future of virtually all Middle Eastern show-downs and US strategic partnerships! It is possibly the “NATO” of the Persian Gulf! So dig this knowledge and let’s get this GCC discussion started!
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The GCC: the Arab Power Place to Be!
Big news unfolding on the Arabian Peninsula concerning what is shaping up to be a major power player in Middle Eastern action for the 21st century: the GCC! That’s right, the little known Gulf Cooperation Council just had an official joint meeting with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to discuss how this small band of 6 Arab states will likely become a major arm of power in the region, as the US is selling them butt-loads of arms and even promised a missile defense shield to the group! A much more potent player than the larger and unruly Arab League, this GCC group is the one to watch for possible moves against Iran, or even one of their own in Syria! Find out more about it here!
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Keywords: GCC, Gulf Cooperation Council, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Abdullah, US, Clinton, missile defense shield, arms, Turkey, Syria, Iran, common military
Syrian Situation Squeezing Iran
As the situation continues to spiral into bloody chaos in Syria, the regime of Bashar al-Assad is not the only party that is going to lose big when the state fully collapses into civil war: believe it or not, it’s Iran that stands to be the Biggest Loser, and I ain’t talkin’ about shedding pounds on network TV my friends! In this plaid-cast, the Professor points out multiple ways that Iran is currently getting squeezed by the international community, and how the loss of Syria, its only major ally in the region, is going to be a devastating blow to their power, influence, and status in the Middle East and possibly the wider world.
Keywords: Syria, Iran, Homs, Arab, Persian, Hormuz, nuclear weapon, Hezbollah, embargo, civil war
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Issue 2: Battle For Burma
Well, the battle for the heart and soul of this country is on, but no one outside Burma seems to be able to do a damn thing about it! Why not?