Synopsis: The SCO as the “NATO of the East”? Bold words and bold thoughts, my plaid friends…but it could come to pass! As the tenth annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) drew to a close on June 16th, several declarations were issued by this rising Asian block that drew the avenger’s attention. Mainly, the SCO threw the collective smack-down to the US/NATO missile defense shield in Europe, but other tidbits of note included India as a full member, a chat about Afghanistan, and Iran spouting nonsense-as-usual. Join the Avenger for an extended look at what this still young, but potentially powerful, Asian block is up to right now!
The Professor’s SCO lesson:
Synopsis: Holy Kyrgyzstani coup crap cakes! All hell broke loose in Kyrgyzstan on Wednesday April 7, as protestors demanding the resignation of their crooked-ass President took to the streets of the capital Bishkek….and then were gunned down by riot police! The protestors/mob then went apeshit and attacked the cops and pretty much burned the whole freakin’ place down. This uprising is based almost solely on the absolute disastrous rule of President Bakiyev (soon to be ex-President) of Kyrgyzstan, who robbed the place blind and then tried to double the taxes on the peeps to make even more money. But wait! Even though this sounds like a totally internal affair, there is much interest in this place from both Russia, who considers it a sphere of their influence, and the United States, who has a critical air base there. The Avenger explains all about this crazy, corrupt, chaotic Kyrg mess!
Synopsis: Holy Russian rage! Not only did two female suicide bombers (Black Widows) bomb the Moscow Metro on Monday March 29, but now there have been 5 separate terrorist attacks in the 5 days since…the rest occurring in ethnic provinces in Russia’s North Caucuses region. In this plaid-cast, the Avenger describes the likely Russian response of fury, but more importantly tackles the thorny issue of why these attacks are occurring, and are likely to continue: The volatile region in question is home to a bunch of non-Russian ethnic groups who don’t wan to be part of Russia (mostly Chechan and Dagestani), alongside a growing Islamic insurgency movement which is trying to make this so! Its getting raucous in the Caucus, and after watching this, you will know why!
Keywords: Russian, Medvedev, Putin, North Caucuses, Caucuses Mountains, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Moscow Metro bombing, Islamic insurgency, First Chechen War, Second Chechen War, Beslan School Siege, Moscow Theater Hostage Crisis
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