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America Courting Asian Allies

From Shangri-la to Washington, DC, America has got a fever for the flava’ of Asian alliances! US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta was showing the love to Singapore, VIetnam, and India last week while talking defense strategies in the Asia ‘hood, and elaborating more about the US forces shift to the Asia-Pacific realm. Now Hillary Clinton is hosting an Indian delegation here in the US to further woo the South Asian power into inceased integration and cooperation with the Americans on a variety of other issues. These moves reflect the changing nature of US initiatives, changing US alliances, and also are indicative of how important India is becoming to future US policy on that side of the planet.

Keywords: US, Shangri-La, Singapore, Vietnam, Cam Rahn Bay, India, US-India strategic dialogue, SCO, China, Afghanistan, Asia-Pacific, Pacific, Indian Ocean, military

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The Bear Further Embraces the Dragon

The Russian throw-down has officially occurred:! Russian President Vladimir Putin has made it crystal clear (through words, actions, and official visits) that he sees Russia’s future in the East, not the West. Listen as the Professor points out all the Puin moves that make this assessment entirely obvious….including multiple disses of Team West on the G-8, on Syria, and on missile defense, while further embracing China, the SCO, and a “Eurasian Trade Union.”
Putin sez: “The fundamental interests [of Moscow and Beijing] coincide broadly both in international and economic affairs.”
Hu Jintao sez: “I am firmly convinced that your visit will contribute to further development of all-embracing strategic partnership and cooperation.”
Can you feel the love? I can smell it from here.

Related Stories:
Russia and China tout strategic partnership amid global breakdown
Russia, China Pledge to Boost Ties on Trade, Foreign Policy, Military
Putin aims to cement key alliance with China

Keywords: Russia, China, Eurasian trade union, bear, dragon, G-8, NATO, Germany, France, Belarus, Kazak, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan

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US Proclaims Pacific Shift!

Finally! A full-on public proclamation/admission from US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta states what is obvious to us world-watchers: the US is officially shifting its naval/military focus from the Atlantic to the increasingly important Pacific Ocean. The Professor discusses what this means for power politics, future US alliances, movement of US forces, and possible conflicts in this 21st century where the Pacific realm is the new super-highway of connectivity, economic interaction, and intrigue!

Keywords: US, China, military, navy, Pacific, Atlantic, Leon Panetta, South China Sea, Philippines, Scarborough Shoal, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, aircraft carrier, submarine, fighter jets, destroyers, troop deployment

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Shields v. Rockets: a New 21st Century Arms Race is On!

I’m making the call: a brand new 21st century arms race is on! The US and Russia are returning to their old Cold War mentalities by escalating competing defensive and offensive capabilities.  Announced earlier this week, the US/NATO missile defense shield is now operable in Europe, which pisses off the Ruskies, who in turn tested a new type of faster sleeker missile to be able to penetrate the shield. Team West is planning massive increases in their missile shield development, and Russia promises massive increases in their offensive capabilities to render the shield useless. Yay! Massive arms spending between powers that have virtually no chance of actually ever attacking each other! A total win for defense industries everywhere! Sorry taxpayers, you will have to flip the bill for the fun!

Related Stories:
Nato's missile defence shield 'up and running'
Russia claims new missile can overcome missile defenses
Russia tests secret missile after Nato shield launched
NATO Summit: Missile shield risks Russian wrath

Keywords: US, Russia, Europe, NATO, missile defense shield, SM-3, rocket, radar, satellites, X-band, Turkey, AEGIS, warship, Patriot missile, ICBM, Kura, Kamchatka, Iskander, Belarus, Kaliningrad, Black Sea

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Frenchie President to Foil Status Quo

France elected a new President a few weeks ago, and its not just a change of faces but a full change of attitude, policies, and direction for the Fifth Republic. Left-of-center, socialist President François Hollande took office on May 15th, and has been on a flurry of global functions ever since, including now hanging out in the US for the G-8 Summit followed by a NATO Summit. The Professor discussed some of the big policy changes that are already occurring due to this political shift from right to left in France, including economic policy favoring spending, Eurobonds, and the pulling out of French troops from Afghanistan, and perhaps NATO leadership too!

Keywords: G-8, NATO, fiscal stimulus, Euro-bonds, economic crisis, Afghanistan, French troops

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Issue 2: Battle For Burma

Well, the battle for the heart and soul of this country is on, but no one outside Burma seems to be able to do a damn thing about it! Why not?

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