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Angry Asians Island Antics!

Forget Angry Birds, we got some serious Angry Asians! Major animosity is breaking out between China and Japan right now….over a bunch of rocks! Say what? That’s right: the Senkaku aka Diaoyu Islands just north of Taiwan have become a flash point of possible open conflict between the Asian economic titans, although the islands themselves probably aren’t worth two shakes of salt. Listen as the Professor explains the current actions between the irate island hoppers, the history of how it came to this, and the bigger repercussions to the Pacific region, and the world.

Related Stories:
Chinese activists land on Senkaku islet; Japan arrests 14
China and Japan's simmering island row is threatening to boil over
Barren Islands Bring China to a Boil
Why Chinese are protesting Japan again
Landings, protests stoke Japan-China islands dispute
Irrational, violent anti-Japanese protests should be avoided

Keywords: Senkaku, Diaoyu, Islands, protests, China, Japan, Taiwan, Pacific Ocean, Sino-Japanese War, WW2, rage, war

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Is Un-Kim Turning North Korea Un-Insane?

North Korea has been historically, and categorically, totally bat-shit crazy for decades…a small, starving nation led by megalomaniacs bent on creating an isolated, Marxist utopia based on misinformation and fear. Their main country goals have been to swell the ranks of their military and to create a nuclear weapon in order to be taken seriously by the outside world, at the expense of actually having any sort of real economy that provides jobs and food for their people. But it appears that possibly they are turning the corner on this insane, and totally unsustainable, approach here as of late, as their new leader Kim Jong-Un is changing the tone of the country, and of his leadership style as well! He is way more open to the public eye than his insane daddy ever was, and suddenly the country itself is opening to outside trade and influence! Crazy stuff! But will it continue, and will it be enough to truly open the ‘Hermit Kingdom’ for good?

Keywords: North Korea, China, Uncle Chang Song-thaek, Yong Nam, Vietnam, Laos, Japan, Disney

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US up in the SouthEast Asian Hizzle, Big Time!

Is a new ‘Chinese Containment Policy’ underway? It sure looks like it to the Plaid Avenger and friends! As the USA continues to focus more time, attention, money, and military into Asia as a whole, SouthEast Asia in particular looks to be the region that is gaining the most-est in terms of US love. Visits from top US officials, investment from top US companies, and strategic US military ties are all being formed at a break-neck speed across the ASEAN block…all of which serve to bolster US influence in the region while simultaneously side-lining China’s aggressive attempts to do the same thing! The battle for Pacific primacy on!

Related Stories:
Clinton calls for US-Asean unity for region to prosper
(From China:) US intervention not conducive to Asia-Pacific stability
Sea of trouble for ASEAN
First ASEAN-US Business Forum to kick off to chart economic cooperation
GE first U.S. firm to invest in Burma

Keywords: Chinese Containment, ASEAN, US, China, South China Sea, Vietnam, Burma, Philippines, Indonesia, Cambodia, Japan, South China Sea, military, economics, GE

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Some Pointers on New Mexican President Peña…

Mexico just elected a new President last week! Woo-hoo! Yeah right, like most Americans can even locate Mexico on a map, much less care about politics happening south of their border. But you smart plaid followers understand that the profound significance of a possible policy shift based on a new president, from the opposing political party, taking the helm of one of the US’s biggest trading partners…and more importantly, taking control of the bloody ‘Drug Cartel War’ occurring in that country…which is of great significance to our country! Pick up some pointers in this Peña guy, and his possible policy shifts in this professor podcast.

Related Stories:
Drug war fury awaits Mexico's Pena Nieto
Mexico's New President Signals Shift in Drug War Policy
What kind of PRI will rule Mexico?
Mexico’s Telenovela President: Enrique Peña Nieto’s Saga of Scandal, Gaffes, and Connections

Keywords: Mexico, Peña, Enrique Peña Nieto, PRI, PAN, cartels, drug war, Savages, Spiderman, lucha libre, luchador

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French Socialist Sweep to Challenge European Status Quo

Sacré bleu et un skunk de pew! The center-left Socialist Party of France has now swept into power and controls the entire government…both the Presidency and the entire Parliament are center-left, which means they have a mandate from the people, and the political power, to create all kinds of new policies to deal with the current European economic meltdown. This is setting up an ideological showdown between left and right about the role of government and how to fix the economy…a showdown not just in France, but in Europe as a whole. Oh, and that in turn will affect the whole planet! Is a resurgence of socialist forces worldwide underway? We shall see, based mostly on how the French fare with their leftist leanings…

Related Stories:
Socialists free to push through reform agenda
Hollande Bolstered As Socialists Win French Parliament Control
After Socialist Romp in Elections, France’s Conservatives Face Existential Crisis

Keywords: France, liberal, left, tax the rich, Socialist Party, National Assembly, Europe, Germany, conservative, austerity, taxes, National Front, NATO, spending stimulus

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Issue 2: Battle For Burma

Well, the battle for the heart and soul of this country is on, but no one outside Burma seems to be able to do a damn thing about it! Why not?

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